Friday, March 6, 2009

Truly a good story

This weekend we will have great temperatures for running. Hopefully the rain will hold off in the C-U area. 

I was just messing around at work and read this amazing story that was in the Nov/Dec 2007 issue of "Marathon and Beyond". If you have never read this magaizine/book, you should try it. It comes out 6 times a year and has really great stories and advice.

Anyway, it is by Dean Karnazes (yes, that Dean) and it starts as he finished the 50th of 50 marathons in 50 days. As he decides to run home - home is San Francisco - Dean is in New York City.

It is a story of wwhat running is, a story of ourselves, a story of finding oneself.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Coach Training

I am now officially trained bythe Illinois TNT Head Coach for TNT marathoning training. 

What does this mean for you? It means my head is now so full of information that I will forget your names. Head Coach Marie filled me with knowledge that I am still trying to digest. She is a trained exercise therapist and knows her stuff. She really wants us to know our stuff as well.

I have new training tips, new stretching tips, new lots of stuff. Ask me and I will share. 

I missed being away from you for the morning, but am very glad that I went.

I hope everyone was able to get their run in on Saturday even though I think the wind was up a little bit again. Any issues or questions get back to me and look for your weekly email from me soon.

Coach Mike